Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Brinnon Volunteer Fire Department

A friend of mine was the fire chief in Brinnon for a while.
I'd take the family over and we'd visit during the Brinnon Shrimp Fest.
The highlight of the shrimp fest was the belt sander races.

Yep, belt sander races.
Who knew you could race belt sanders?
And of course if you raced your belt sander, you had to decorate it.
But more importantly, you had to have a long enough extension cord that
would allow you complete the race.
Oh boy, did the participants take their racing seriously too.

Not being a speed junkie, I've never really understood the need for speed or to race.
But hey, if belt sander racing is your hobby, more power to you. (Pardon the pun.)


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